Token Sale
Token Sale is a type of smart contract that is used to facilitate the sale of tokens to investors.
Monitor withdrawal of funds from the contract before the sale is completed
Trigger: ERC20 Transfer more than n
Token address: the address of the selling token
Amount: should be as small as possible, e.g. 1 wei
Destination: from
Severity: Critical
Alerts: On
Use cases:
In most cases, tokens can only be withdrawn after a successful sale. Remove this trigger after the sale is over.
Monitor withdrawal of tokens for an amount greater than the sale limit
Trigger: ERC20 Transfer more than n
Token address: the address of the selling token
Amount: should be greater than the sale limit by 1 wei
Destination: from
Severity: Critical
Alerts: On
Use cases:
If a limit is set for the sale of tokens per account, exceeding this limit signals an issue in the contract.
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